Monday, May 5, 2008

Smoking, Drugs, Obesity Top Health Concerns For Kids

It's one and only fluent to surrounded via wish of adults to apprehension only just about children's condition and well-being at conservatory, by the roads and even online.

But adults' No. 1 health consideration for offspring and adolescents in the United States? It's smoke, according to sentient to date grades from the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health. Drug knock about status No. 2.

The taster, which bid adults to rate 17 not like health complications for kids flesh and blood in their community, also found that formative years size presently ranks among the public's shell three concern for children's health, ahead of alcohol abuse and teen pregnancy.

Also making the public's overall detail of top10 health concerns for kids: Driving accident, Internet sanctuary, school bombing, sexually extravaganza dissipation, and abuse and disregard. The baby health issues that didn't cause the top 10 list, but be even so rate by "big problems" by 6 to 18 percent of adults: Psychological accent, reduction, ingestion bedlam, suicide, autism, childhood cancer and sustenance infection.

"We found that foremost race/ethnicity troop fluctuate when it come to the top three health concerns for children as hugely. While white adults list smoking, pills abuse and alcohol abuse at their top three concerns, black adults rate teen pregnancy, smoking and drug abuse, and Hispanic adults rank smoking, drug abuse and childhood obesity as the three major health problems for children," say Matthew M. Davis, M.D., M.A.P.P., administrator of the National Poll on Children's Health, cut of the U-M Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases and the Child Health Evaluation and Research (CHEAR) Unit in the U-M Division of General Pediatrics.

To rank the public's top health concerns for children, the National Poll on Children's Health, in reinforcement beside Knowledge Networks, Inc., conduct a national online opinion poll in March 2007. The survey, administered to a capricious sample of 2,076 adults who be a part of Knowledge Network's online KnowledgePanelSM, revealed the top 10 out of 17 health concerns for children in the U.S.

Top 10 overall health concerns for children in the U.S.

1. Smoking. Forty percent of adults rate smoking as their top health concern for children. Among black adults, smoking ranks No. 2. Forty-five percent of black adults, nevertheless, rate smoking as a middle-aged tribulation.

2. Drug abuse. Adults are more potential to rate drug abuse as a concern base on their children's exciting health. Those who anecdote their child's emotional health as "good," "fair" or "poor" are more likely to outlook drug abuse as a major health problem for children equate with parents who rate their child's emotional health as "excellent" or "very upright." 3. Childhood obesity. According to poll results, adults with a slash above training are more likely to rate childhood obesity as their No. 1 health print for children than adults with elevated school education or smaller number. In decision, 40 percent of adults with a institute spear view obesity as a top concern, while those with less than a high school education rate it as their No. 10 concern, with 25 percent day by day print it as a top concern. The National Poll on Children's Health also found Hispanic adults are more likely to report obesity as a problem, with 42 percent viewing it as a major problem, compared with only 31 percent of white adults and 36 percent of black adults. "These disparity to some size clap the higher hold of obesity among black and Hispanic youth compared with white youth," resume Davis.

4. Alcohol abuse. "Households with subjugate income less than $30,000 per year are essentially more likely to rate alcohol abuse as a problem than family communications with higher annual incomes," says Davis. "We also found that alcohol abuse by teens be a bigger concern in household with a spinster or removed parent, compared with households with married parents." 5. Motor vehicle accidents. Driving accidents involving teenagers are a general concern across all socio-economic groups studied, says Davis.

6. Teen pregnancy. Black adults rate teen pregnancy as the No. 1 health problem for youth, with 51 percent reporting it's a major health concern compared with only 25 percent of white adults. "This difference echo differences in rates of teen pregnancy by race/ethnicity, which personal decline among all teens ended times gone by decade, but hang in a circle two incident higher among blacks than whites," says Davis.

7. Internet safety. "Internet safety be a relatively new health concern in part to other health issues," says Davis. "Women and black adults are more likely to report it as a major concern." Thirty-two percent of women and 21 percent of man report they are uneasy about Internet safety, while 37 percent of black adults and 25 percent of white adults articulate it is a big problem.

8. School violence. "School violence didn't rate as high as driving accidents and alcohol employment. Yet it still is in the top 10, and that speak to the general elevation of concern in the U.S.

about this problem," says Davis. "We measured school violence concerns beforehand the recent catastrophe at Virginia Tech, hence it is likely that it may rank higher today than it consider just a few weeks ago." Davis also notes that black adults are beyond even more likely as white adults to report school violence as a big problem, ranking it their No. 4 health concern. It also was view as a bigger health problem among lower earnings households.

9. Sexually transmitted infections. Sexually transmitted infections among youth are considered to be a bigger problem by black adults and Hispanics, with 40 percent of black adults and 34 percent of Hispanics adults viewing it as a big problem, compared with only 20 percent of white adults. Households with lower incomes also rate sexually transmitted infections as a greater health concern for children.

10. Abuse and neglect. About 22 percent of survey respondents view abuse and neglect as a health concern for children. "Similar to other health issues in the poll, more black respondents discern abuse and neglect is a big health concern than among Hispanic and white respondents," says Davis.

Ratings for the top 10 list did not differ about adults who have children in their households, and those who do not. Overall, higher proportions of blacks and Hispanic adults rated all 17 concerns as "big problems" compared with white adults.

"This poll provide us with a detailed scene of what the population view as to a certain extent a few of the biggest health concerns for children and adolescents today," says Davis, ship in professor of typical pediatrics and central prescription at the U-M Medical School, and associate professor of public dogma at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. "It also suggest that the supervision may want to target more share toward issues such as teen smoking, drug abuse and childhood obesity, in a channel that reflect the fact that the public is at this time prioritizing these problems as even bigger than other issues on the list." About the National Poll on Children's Health The C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health is fund by the Department of Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases at the U-M Health System. As part of the U-M Division of General Pediatric Child Health Evaluation and Research (CHEAR) Unit, the National Poll on Children's Health is designed to manoeuvre major health thought issues and trend for U.S.

children. For a lift up of the reports from National Poll on Children's Health, call in For balanced podcasts of poll results, progress to /podcast.

About Knowledge Networks Knowledge Networks deliver talent and pay to direct leaders in commercial, government and academia uniquely bring scientifically valid research to the online opportunity through its probability-based, online KnowledgePanelSM. The belt delivers creative sanctum shape, science, analysis, and panel keep, along with a commitment to fasten collaboration at both podium of the research work. KN leverages its know-how in pour scorn on, medium, public kin, and public policy issues to stock perception that answer exactly to clients' incomparable concerns. For more facts about Knowledge Networks, visit University of Michigan Health System 2901 Hubbard St., Ste. 2400 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2435 United States

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