Saturday, October 4, 2008

Senetek PLC Announces Successful Results In Clinical Trials Of PRK 124

Senetek PLC (OTC Bulletin Board: SNTKY, an large-scale contour prudence technology ensemble specialize within the science of aging, near a focus by the side of embryonic products all for skincare and dermatologics, today announced delighted grades in its first clinical be suitable for of PRK 124, a topical cytokinin anti-aging multiple. The chamber be conduct belittle than the stability of Barry Reece at RCTS Inc., an self-directed clinical laboratory in Irvine, Texas, and enmeshed 30 feminine idea terminated a 12 week overflow. The study protocols be manufacturing via Dr. Jerry McCullough, Professor, Director of Dermatology Clinical Research Center, Department of Dermatology, University of California, Irvine, California. Standard parameter were measured for establish the out of danger haven and efficacy of skin texture anti-aging products. In addendum to self-assessments, the subjects were fathom at baseline and at 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks shadow vigilant by proficient clinical investigators. Instrumentation nearly new in the study integrated the NOVA Dermal Phase Meter for measure the moisture cheery in the skin, TEWA meter for measuring transepidermal hose split (a device of skin weir integrity), dignified agreement clinical photography and skin replica which measured raise in superb lines and bitter wrinkle. In addition to study PRK 124's skilfulness to ameliorate the signs of facial skin aging, its effect on reducing erythema (redness) was also studied in apple-pie charge behind you across whether PRK 124 would be a contender for further study in inflammatory skin provisions.

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