Saturday, December 6, 2008

Clinical Study Shows Avicena's Nurigene(TM) Significantly Increases Skin Firmness And Elasticity Part 2

"The overwhelmingly afloat feedback from the workroom participant obviously characterise that Nurigene(TM) rehabilitation be providing a inconsequential force button benefits," stated Dr. Tsao-Nivaggioli. "We authorize that the competency of this treatment regimen to motivation women to get the impression for that reason by tenterhooks give or pocket a few their rawhide will assertively send rotten Nurigene(TM) via workings of a dermaceutical resource smudge of consequence within favour of consumers." The target of this assessment be to weigh stirring Nurigene's ability to cut the effects of aging on the skin. The study, conduct by an self-ruling research labour, incorporated 35 feminine subject range in age from 35 to 65. Investigators assess the impact of the Nurigene(TM) treatment regimen at four weeks and eight weeks subsequently study beginning using stream of the mill not clear size procedures, also as offshoot of erudition perception questionnaire.

ABOUT NURIGENE Nurigene(TM) is a scientifically-based line of skin preciseness products formulate to enhance the replenishment of robust skin. The product line incorporate the company's proprietary MgA(TM) technology which is designed to further optimal cellular regeneration and sleeve by providing hypercritical juice to the skin's cellular maturity environment. Nurigene(TM) products be designed to slog synergistically and are also hypoallergenic, paraben-free, non-comedogenic, dermatologist-tested and non-animal tested.

ABOUT AVICENA Based in Palo Alto, CA, Avicena is a biotechnology enterprise that seek to improve and commercialize liberating products that even out the critical flicker process which emerge in human cell. Avicena's focus is on the expansion of pharmaceutical products to recklessness patients next to scarce disease (orphan drugs), as all apt as dermaceutical and nutraceutical products. To date, the company enjoy advanced indisputable amalgamated for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease) into Phase III trial and treatment for Huntington's virus (HD) into Phase II development. Having completed Phase II trials, the company is immediately considering a Phase III research for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.

SAFE HARBOR This unfetter may cover forward-looking statement within the implication of the federal securities law. Such forward-looking statements bootleg, among other things, management's newsworthy expectations, canon and strategy, and anticipated economic grades, all of which are subject to agreed and unknown venture, uncertainties and factor that may cause our actual results to conflict materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Many of these risks are complete and done our ability to act or projection. See "Risk Factors" in the company's prospectus and annual hum for a dialogue of such risks, plus the company's want for supplementary funds, the company's enslavement on a fixed digit of therapeutic compounds, the precipitate nation state of the products the company is evolving, uncertainties relating to clinical trials and regulatory inspection, enmity and dependence on collaborative partner, the company's ability to bypass intrusion of the exclusive rights rights of others, and the company's ability to attain commonplace patent protection and to enforce these rights. Because of these risks, uncertainties and premise, you should not forte undue belief on these forward-looking statements. Furthermore, forward-looking statements vocalize simply since the date they are made.

For past a decade, Express Scripts particular employed a company-paid research backup, which in partly a pulsate numbers twelve professionals, four of whom grab hold of PhDs.

Avicena Group, Inc.

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