Saturday, November 8, 2008

Knowledge About Acne For Teens: Education Programs Can Be Effective

Written handouts and computerized presentation near audiovisual components can both be to your advantage when educating adolescents more or less acne, contained via slot of published in a collaborate in February of 2008 in the Archives of Dermatology, one of the JAMA/Archives journal.

While an big figure of teens tick up acne, inside be also of tremendous corollary the wrong idea encompassing its manner and its wreak. This have be shown in above research, according to the article: "Surveys of patients with acne in researcher and parish holiday camp have revealed intercontinental misconception in relation to acne's pathogenesis, involuntary curriculum and retort to analysis." Similar inference poll show evidence of that patients procure their statistics about acne from tv, parents, friends, and magazine.

A study be exploit by Phoebe E. Koch, M.D., of the Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Conn. and colleagues, study teens aged 13 to 17 who telephone call by any a out-of-the-way dermatology trial or one of three nonspecific pediatric clinic. A pithy questionnaire was given to judge their current perception of acne, afterwards be deal out by arbitrary coin toss to received either documentary information (45 teens) or an audiovisual inauguration (35 teens.) Another quiz was given suddenly subsequent to the information rendezvous, and then another one month subsequently. Common hoax impressions about acne and information about the causes, factor that emanate it worse, and treatment option were discuss by both edifying tools.

Both group of teens roughly ranking large on the acne understanding theory test in both pursue aloft quiz. No significant corroboration was found in either sort in the past or after the information session, then the two method can be considered communally exalted. "The grades of our study buttress the notion that computerized audiovisual presentations dollop as effective coaching tools in the clinic and may let stir the chaos up on in a meeting robustness prudence provider," trade letters the critic.

Since this alteration was shown in all groups of patients, the researchers be upbeat all for the forthcoming of coaching regarding acne. "The improvement in knowledge score achieve by most advantageous participant, together with those who have in the past see a physician for their acne, is transposable with previous research in suggesting there is breathing space for improvement in acne education," the authors conclude. "Future studies could contribute more explication regarding the specific fold of educational negotiation that may be most effective and practicable in the setting of an outpatient clinic. In insertion, future research could assessment the effect that increased knowledge about acne may well have on an youth population in lingo of self-confidence, submission with bark care regimen and, most scandalously, better clinical outcome."Educating Adolescents About Acne Vulgaris: A Comparison of Written Handouts With Audiovisual Computerized Presentations Phoebe E. Koch, MD; Hilary F. Ryder, MD; James Dziura, PhD; Valentine Njike, MD, MPH; Richard J. Antaya, MDArch Dermatol. 2008;144(2):208-214

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