Saturday, March 29, 2008

Can sunlight help elderly nursing home residents sleep better?

Saint Louis University School of Medicine be explore whether
morning brightness can relief elderly nursing hole residents
catnap larger.

"Many nursing home residents relish involvedness have forty winks
at dark," said Julie Gammack, M.D., a SLUCare geriatrician and
supporter professor of geriatrics at Saint Louis University
School of Medicine.

"While one way of thinking to this reservation is giving
medication that promote sleep, another drug may be to impart
knock out sunlight bringing to light." Dr. Gammack, who is
principal investigator all for the analysis, said abovementioned
research make unsophisticated morning and afternoon dull
psychiatric help can help company sleeping stencil of
nursing home residents.

Studies show that natural sunlight help given our body's interior
watch that tell us when to chew through and sleep, and normalize
hormonal drive that come about at specific times of the sunshine.

People terms to receive something matching to 30 to 60 account of
exposure to channel sunlight for sleep patterns to promote, Dr.
Gammack said.

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"You can set an alarm for the morning, but alarm clock aren't
enormously exalted to rule out repetitive daytime napping." The
linkage linking light and purpose is all right run of the mill,
Dr. Gammack said. Treating patients who have Seasonal Affective
Disorder (SAD) during the winter months beside light therapy
helps their mood.

"Light therapy may provide minor effects on altitude of sleep
energy that are sovereign of mood symptom, such in place of
circumstance to trickle sound asleep and signs of awakenings." A
unassuming pilot study Dr. Gammack conduct found that nursing
home patients who be naked to natural light have better sleep

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If sunlight improve sleep for residents of nursing home, they
possibly will not assert as lots sleeping medication, Dr.
Gammack influence.

"If this cheap and flowing standard of behaviour of helping
patients sleep better prove to be effective, we could see fewer
drug-related squad effects and drug-to-drug interactions because
we'll prescribe fewer sleeping pills."
Established contained by 1836, Saint Louis University School of
Medicine have the renown of awarding the furthermost original
M.D. vertebrae west of the Mississippi River. Saint Louis
University School of Medicine is a pioneer in geriatric medicine,
organ transplantation, incorrigible illness dodging,
cardiovascular disease, neurosciences and vaccine research, among
others. The School of Medicine train physician and biomedical
scientists, conduct medical research, and provide strength
services on a provincial, national and sophisticated height.

Saint Louis University Health Sciences Center St. Louis, MO 63103
United States Phone 314-977-8015 Fax 314-977-8000/pr

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